Branson Hot Hits Theatre
206 Commercial Steet
Phone: 417-337-7426

Patsy to Patsy
4/19/2024 – Barb Willkomm –
Patsy to Patsy is a story filled show covering the lives of Patsy Montana and Patsy Cline. Earlene Williamson tells the story of Patsy Montana and how she started and how her yodeling was so famously excepted throughout the years. When she gets to Patsy Cline, she tells about her story on her sort lived life through wonderful songs, and hits that she recorded.
Listening to Earlene tell this musical journey is a treasure. She’s accompanied by look alike john Wayne who introduces her in the segments.
Drop in at the Hot Hits Theatre in old Branson on commercial street. It’s a small intimate theater and you will enjoy your time spent there.
5/4/2024 – Mike Wackerly –
Not your regular show in Branson. This is an autobiography story about the careers of Patsy Montana and Patsy Cline. Learn all about the ladies as Paula Erlene Williamson guides you through the hit songs and stories. A great way to start the day.
6/20/2024 – Michelle Folse –
Not familiar with Patsy Montana – Paula Erlene will have you up-to-speed in no time. The first half of this show focuses on the life of Patsy Montana. You will be fascinated by the stories of her childhood through becoming first female country performer to have a million-selling single with her signature song, “I Want to Be a Cowboy’s Sweetheart.” Montana, was also known for her yodeling singing style Paula, 8-time world yodeling champion, is the perfect sweetheart to portray Montana. The second half of the show is dedicated to the life of Patsy Cline, who’s style was influenced by Patsy Montana. Classic Cline tunes, “Blue Moon of Kentucky,” “Crazy.” “I Fall to Pieces” are beautifully performed. Ermal “John Wayne” introduces and makes brief appearances throughout the show. Head on over to the Hot Hits Theater for this unique tribute show.

Platters Golden Sounds of the 50's
5/1/2024 – Jim Kast –
Head on down to the Hot Hits theater and listen to some of the best Harmonies in town. Eddie, Willie and Will put on a show you don’t want to miss as they take you through the Platters big hits, as well as some Coasters and Drifters. Sit back and just let the music take you.
5/8/2024 – Barb Willkomm –
The Golden Sounds of the Platters and more is just what the title of this show portrays. The three gentlemen, Eddie Stovall, William Nash, Willian Gill, and Andre Sheppard have golden voices to portray this type of Music. They cover many songs that the Platters made famous and then go on to cover other songs throughout the years of the Golden 50’s.
It’s a mellow listening for the show, but it’s more than just enjoyable, it’s enlightening, as they tell the story behind some 0f the songs. If you’re a fan of Motown, then this is a show to see.

Motown Downtown
4/19/2024 – Barb Willkomm –
Motown Downtown is the show that will bring back all the hot hits and memories of the Motown era to you. It’s definitely a must see show at the Hot Hits Theatre on Commercial Street.
The group led by Eddie Stovall are extremely talented and harmonical group.
They cover many many hits of the Motown era and you will not be disappointed at the songs that they chose to portray.
This is a must show for the Motown era lovers that come to see good Motown music.
5/5/2024 – Mike Wackerly –
Another great Motown show is down at the Hot Hits Theater. Great harmonies and choreography make this show what it is, a fantastic evening of the music you have listened to for years. Take a trip down memory lane and you won’t regret it.

Dean Martin - Music & More
5/8/2024 – Barb Willkomm –
John Shaw portrays a very accurate image of Dean Martin in his show Martin and more at the Hot Hits Theatre in downtown Branson.
He sings all of Dean Martin hits that are finally remembered from throughout the years And does a very good job. He’s got Dean Martin actions and composure and voice extremely well.
The show is not disappointed at all, and will bring back many memories of one of the most famous crooners throughout the years. Be sure to put this show on your list of things to see while visiting Branson.
5/5/2024 – MIchael Wackerly –
The Hot Hits Theater is the home of this crooner. John Shaw will have you feeling like you are sitting in Deans living room for a private concert. Fantastic voice, in this intimate setting. Well done John!

DooWop & More
4/20/2024 – Barb Willkomm –
Pretend you are in the street corners in New York City and you can visualize how this group would have sounded singing their doo wop songs. Doo wop and more is a combination of four very harmonious gentleman, who sing a lot of the hits that you would not consider hearing in New York on the street corner.
One of my favorites songs that they happen to sing is the Duke of Earl. Gentlemen comes dressed in a Duke of Earl costume and walks around in the crowd singing this song very well.
A small but intimate theater. Be sure to see this on your visit to Branson.
5/4/2024 – jim kast –
Motown music is at its best! Great harmonies and great choreography. Eddie, Andre, Garrett and David will take you to the streets where this phenomenon started. Hear songs such as, Magic Moment, Still of the Night, Sincerely and many many more. You will be dancing and singing, along.

Juke Box Live
new show for 2025